Saturday, May 19, 2012

I am going to lie down.

I'm ready to go!

How I'm Feeling

I have me new contact lenses in.

I feel like a mess.  I don't really feel like sleeping, but I guess I may lie down.  I'm just worried about waking up.

New Photos of Me


Nice and Happy

I had a bowl of cereal.  That's a change.  I've been shying away from breakfast since my brother got home, but I guess I should eat it, even if alone.


So, I guess certain foods you eat can affect if you're able to fall asleep days later.

I'm not tired.

I do anticipate what the day will bring, with a positive attitude.  Oh, I have to have cereal for breakfast, so I may be back by 7:30 A.M. but probably sooner.

I guess I'll be back by 6:30 A.M. or 7:00 A.M.

That entails...

...taking a shower and bath, drying my hair, getting dressed, putting on sunblock, and putting on makeup.

I'm gonna get ready to go.

So, I can look forward to good food, today.

I'll just have to tell my mom I changed my mind.

We had vegetables, before, too.

Like, we had broccoli and cauliflower.  We had carrots and cucumbers almost every supper, and it seemed like not all families had vegetables, every day.  I know I used to not like eating them but that now I do.  There's no reason for me to be pigging out.


They have good food.

Lately, my mom's been working on stir-frying vegetables.

Also, we have either I think red rice, brown rice maybe, or white rice with turmeric which makes it look yellow.  My aunt told me she likes bread.  We don't have bread, much.  I do miss cornbread.  We get it when we eat from Boston Market.  I like biscuits, too, which we don't have much, partly since we don't get fried chicken much but do get it from the grocery store, I guess for money concerns.  I guess those movies are still worth it, but I dunno.  Maybe, I'm feeling bad from the hot dogs, now.  I'm tired of Chef Boyardee and before macaroni and cheese.  Maybe, I should really get into salads.  I need to start having cereal for breakfast, too.  Other than salad, I could work on making raw meat for myself.  I can make cornbread and mash potatos.  Then, there's also hush puppies, okra, and brussels sprouts.  I don't think the grocery store here has okra, but it did in the New Orleans area.  I don't like peppers that much.  I guess, if I was able to just have raw chicken as a toddler, I can juggle this variety.  I need to get serious here.  I can't even fall asleep?  Was I too late.  If I knew I had the night, I might be more eager to start sleeping.

Oh no!

I stretched my scab by making a fist, and it bled!

So, my mom had trash, too.

In Indonesia, they had sweet stuff like lo mein and pork rolls.  However, they didn't have much.  She, on top of that, didn't eat much and did exercise.

So, I was born addicted to bad food?

That seems to be the notion of being an American by blood.  I had a craving for trash.  I did erase it, but I didn't have enough variety.  I wonder what I should eat for snacks.  I used to have those healthy crackers with cheese in college.  I had oranges sometimes at one point as a high schooler.  My brother had soup, today.  I guess I should chose one of the more healthier things today.  They are expensive but not exquisite.

Oh, no!

I have a scab from dried skin staying up tonight.  It's the medicine!!!  It's ruining my sleeping habits to take it in gaps of days.

Hungry After Supper

I shouldn't have had at least the hot dogs if I knew that's what I might have to eat today.


I'm pigging out for my birthday.  It might matter.  We'll see if I'm still hungry for pizza today.  3 days in a row.  I thought eating would put me to sleep.  It does, sometimes, but I guess not now.  I've heard it can wake you up.  I've had a good night, and I've slept a lot already this week, I made sure.  It's hard for me to sleep with an irregular schedule of medicine.  I just got a lower dosage I can take more often now.  If I take it, though, now, I'll sleep for like 10-12 hours.  I should eat cold cuts or something.  I need to go to the store with my dad, but since my brother is home from college I'm trying to keep to myself more.  Maybe, I should pick something else to eat for the rest of my birthday, maybe go out to a restaurant for my birthday tomorrow.  I kinda just wanna stay home, but I don't know what to eat.  I wonder what would be appropriate.  I kinda wanna go back to Olive Garden.

My Aunt Survived

The older aunt survived eating out and was a police.  Her husband is an army colonel.

The younger aunt is taller than her and seems either naturally skinny or also seems to not eat too much.  I don't know if she gets tired, but she is able to work.

I'm tooo tired to cook.

My mom keeps getting me cookbooks.

Mashed Potatos

For some reason, we haven't had that since we moved here almost, maybe, which is about 7 years.  I used to never want to peel them because I was tired and not finished with my homework.  I figured later that the chores could help, but I'm still worried I need the time for homework.  I think I did.  Maybe, we should have eaten more food.  My mom seems to cater what seems to be popular to how we eat.  I think I have a lot to catch up on.  My mom was hoping I could work when I left college at 20, but I just don't feel I could stand it, doing nothing.  I just don't feel good.  I feel jittery, like I need something for my system.  My parents are adamant about health.  My dad even regretted not putting us on strict diets growing up, which sounds excruciating.  My mom didn't have means like she did in Indonesia on what to eat.


Well, also, I had tea, but, for some reason, we stopped.  I don't think I liked it a lot.  I always acted up about it, but I didn't like whine whine.

The food might be better than some family's are seen to be...

...other families's eating habits...

We didn't have fast food other than Chick-fil-A before my brother was born.  It was so neat.  I lived in southeastern Florida, and it has the same feel today, in a way.  I also liked the alcohol-free piña colada.

I don't understand why I had a hot dog, a whole hot dog, at age 2.  What we have now is 25% fat.  I was hungry, though, after the 1 hot dog and bowl of beef-flavored Ramon Noodles.

When I was young, I remember just having like plain chicken with ketchup, though I didn't want the ketchup.  I knew that I could have had something else, but for some reason that was what we had.  I guess it was neat to my dad to just have chicken, but I was a growing girl.  I am thankful it was plain.  I just don't see why I felt compelled to use the ketchup.

"The Young and the Restless"

 Today, I don't understand, I ate a lot.  I guess I need a longer period of time of eating 3 meals a day.

Good Food

I dunno, I remember being very healthy before my brother was born.  I don't know what happened.  I don't know why my brother is like he is.  Well, we might have started eating differently before he was born.  I just remember feeling funny.  I gained weight when I added ballet to just taking gymnastics.  I wasn't that fat, but like it seems my head looked bigger and my face more rounded rather than gaunt.  It's like I was butchered in ballet.  I felt funny before that.  I used to hurt so much in pre-school when I peeled skin that was already peeling off my fingers.  For some reason, even though I knew I wasn't supposed to, I was addicted to putting "buggers" on the floor and sofa.  In kindergarten, my dad told me later I was considered mentally retarded, kinda, but got in gifted.  For some reason, the teacher's instructions flew over my head.  I felt tired and just like I didn't fit in, like it affected me too much.  I'm kind of the opposite as an adult.

Maybe, I should call it off with my grandma?

I do like talking to her every day, but I think she'll lose interest, after awhile.

My Grandma

I'm not sure why she thinks now is a good time for me to start talking every day to her.  I am suspicious because she usually sends me a card a few days early, and I didn't get one for this birthday, yet.  Maybe, she doesn't want to admit it's my birthday, again.  She said she got my younger aunt a card late, as well.  My older aunt didn't give me a card, neither.  Neither did my younger aunt.  I guess it was dishonest the way I've been being treated, for no reason, really.  It happened all of a sudden, like if I get a little upset, close something like a cupboard a little harder, suddenly everyone changes.  They hold onto things, too much.


Well, it seems that in order for me to function calling my grandma is a part of my life.  I've had hard feelings because it's obvious to her I'm home to be with my parents and little brother when he's home from college.  For some reason, like I'm still catching up on rest from school, the day goes by.  It goes by quickly.  If I'm awake in the day, I can end up preparing 3 meals.  I do all the chores other than my parents's laundry and until I know how to use the vacuum cleaner.  We have a dog, my brother's dog.  I used to try to walk him, but I notice my mom does alone, again.  I like having hours on end at the computer, and I have that time at night.  Also, now that my brother is here, he is up until 3 A.M.  So, when he goes to bed, I watch "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."  I've been laying around idly and not calling my grandma as much.  I skipped jogging the past few days, too.  I only feel active if I call my grandma.  We talk every day, normally.  I need to feel active in order to get into a healthy sleep routine.  I've had appointments, lately, stopping me.  They are about over for now.  That's what's been getting in the way.  I used to even cancel all my doctor-like appointments so that I would never have a day leaving the house.  However, I go to the movies with my dad on weekends.  The dentist makes my teeth okay, too.  When I skipped, I got stains.  That might be a coincidence.  I guess I can just accept the present and what comes with it.



I just might be drowsy tomorrow.

I'll be awake when I'm doing something.  I hope I get to sleep!  I thought I'd need to post on IMDb some to get tired.  I just felt wide awake in bed.

Last time I was in the mental hospital

I couldn't sleep at night.  Maybe I did for a little while.


I don't feel like I can fall asleep.  I'm not tired tired, neither.

I'm getting tired.

Maybe, I'll lie down soon.

I need to get Kate Bush's new CD.

Wow, she won an award!

New Video of Me Singing


I mean...

I mean to back me up since one night of sleep doesn't seem to do it.  I know I won't be tired.


I've been making sure I slept enough over a period of time just for this day.  I should lie down soon.

Condiments for Tomorrow

I'm making sure I'm drinking enough water for tomorrow and am eating breakfast in the morning.

I'm uploading a new video of me singing.

It's kinda bad I see, but most of it is good in some way to me.

Kate Bush

Kate Bush

Okay, I just got my food.

My brother is up, too.  I thought I'd be asleep by now, but I had a feeling kinda like the opposite of when I 1st moved to the New Orleans suburb.


My aunt and I shared cake for dessert.  I couldn't even finish my pizza.  I think I'll go finish it now and that'll put me to sleep, though last time I had the 2 hot dogs and the hamburger it made me tired but then not for a long time.  I did regret getting up.  So, I guess I'll eat the pizza and breadsticks then come back and post on IMDb.

I wasn't tired at all, today.

My psychiatrist lowered my prescription back down by 25%.  I may just have it every other day or cut it in half.  He's gonna lower it again later.  I may switch psychiatrists for medical insurance, but if we like this one we may stay.

I was tired after the "wine."  Other than that, just a few bursts of being tired.  I slept 20 hours one day and a lot the next, so.  I'm also used to staying up late.  I do feel like going to bed sometime.  Maybe, I'll mellow down on IMDb.

I'm going to get plump plump plump this weekend I may die.

It's my birthday!  :D

Pizza at Olive Garden today, pizza tomorrow, pizza the next day.

The past 2 days, I've had 2 hot dogs and a hamburger as once for extra food at night and wasn't full.  The 1st time I also had a can of Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs.

How am I gonna get to sleep?


I'm packing 3 umbrellas.

For some reason, I feel like I'm not bringing much this time but did last time.

2 New Videos of Me Talking

1 2

I did my nails and am getting ready to go.

Didn't Really Like the Wine I Tried

It made me feel like I was gonna explode.  I had wine with evaporated alcohol on food at Olive Garden.