Monday, May 14, 2012

@TheEllenShow - Interesting Yet Shocking

You know, that's reeally funny because I was just talking about food and she went to school where I was born. Talk about being used. Who wants to dedicate their life in that particular way to food??? It seems we've had food troubles in Florida. I don't feel I can be healthy here like I was in the New Orleans suburb. I don't know. I mean, what is there to eat? I can understand if I ate out. You know, I find it interesting she looks somewhat on target for her age, whereas most people look younger. I know I still look like I'm in high school. Maybe college. Actually, to me, too, she looks strangely old. I can imagine what her life was like in southeastern Florida. I personally don't like NYC. I've never been there. I did feel cool when I was changing planes there but stayed in the plane. I was alone and was 13. I'm wondering if, like me, she started out eating cheap and then was able to experiment more and make better decisions. When you're focused on eating right, it really works. Having no white bread really boosts my esteem, I think. I mean, I'm not one to like give up bread. I haven't had it much lately. We have rice. It's okay, it's food. I remember I hated eating corn. That was a staple of my diet when I was very little. It's funny how I've changed under my mom's tutelege. Okay, something else obvious about Florida is that we seem to get a lot in way of self-esteem. It's like we've lived life when we haven't. It's strange when we realize the mistakes we make. In the New Orleans area, we always were able to live life figuring things out. My parents don't seem to be able to sort things being from the northeast and out of the U.S. I guess, too, some people see themselves as perfect in certain light and are afraid in general to think outside of the box. They tend to go all the way, all the way for something. I'm thinking you've lived if you're not from Florida. About L.A., I'd rather not be there, neither. It's become to me, I think, like NYC. NYC is a place where like dark people and book writers live. That's okay, but I thought NYC was the place for families. I used to dream of living there, as a kid. I knew it'd be more physical than Florida. There is a very different feeling in certain areas of the country when you go there the 1st time and probably each succeeding time. (I'm not sure if I've heard the word "succeeding" used like this. Wait, I guess I would have because I think so now.) Actually, I felt I wanted to be a writer and illustrator of my own books when I was 10. I notice the little blonde at the bottom of the page. I thought that people prized their kids not only having white hair but white skin. Well, that's not what's important, but people still live in that fantasy. :( I'm looking at all she's done and am glad I'm not from there. I guess I should consider myself from the New Orleans area. Where would I be today, otherwise? I think I was better off there. I still learned a lot in Florida, had a good base in a way. I didn't like leaving Fort Lauderdale, but it was interesting in other minor areas of the state. Well, they were major areas, too, but not like Fort Lauderdale. Supposedly, Fort Lauderdale is the epitome of Florida. I don't know how I know that. It's perhaps by watching people when I was young. Living in Fort Lauderdale suburbs is worth it. For instance, the boy at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is from the city Fort Lauderdale and so is the girl who played Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Johnny Depp is originally from Kentucky and some other places but mostly grew up in a Fort Lauderdale - Miami suburb. I don't know if he is like he is because he's not from there as a younger child or if it really is, like me, because of being from a suburb instead of a thinly-lived city. I guess there are different ways of looking at the different places you are from, depending on where they are. I seem to be at a loss being from the south. I seem to be following the beat of a different drum. I always was good but not aknowledged as such. I know I am grateful to my mom. I like my dad, too. I am different from them both, though. I eat very differently. I'm glad I was made into a different person. I always wished they were different, but, like, my mom I don't see how she could have been any different. I am different from a lot of people. It's interseting where I get my strength. Sometimes, I eat cheap, like now me shying away depressed while my little brother is home from college. I think my brother is still having superiority issues that are obvious like I had as a very young child. I'm glad I can make myself out to be attractive, with the assistance of the criticism of the world and both my parents.

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